Fig. 3.  ‘Depth of Experience’ ratings and fMRI regression analyses for Experimental block.
(1). ‘Depth of Experience’ measured a subject’s degree of experiential absorption during the Experiment Block. Eleven of the twelve subjects were able to fully engage, appreciate and relax while viewing contemplative buildings. Only one subject (#3) could not enter a meditative state as he remained only intellectually, analytically engaged. (2). Positive (a) and Negative (b) Regression Analyses of ‘Depth of Experience’ during the Experimental Block. Panel (a) shows that as ‘depth of experience’ increased activation in these regions also increased: R. Middle Occipital Gyrus (BA19), L. Fusiform Gyrus (BA37), L. Precentral Gyrus (BA6), L. Middle Frontal Gyrus (BA6) , R. Precentral Gyrus (BA6), and L. Superior Frontal Gyrus (BA6). Panel (b) displays decreased activation in the following areas as ‘Depth of Experience’ increased: L. and R. Middle Frontal Gyrus (BA10), L. Cingulate Gyrus (BA23), L. and R. Superior Temporal Gyrus (BA 22, BA41 and BA 39), L. Anterior Cingulate Gyrus (BA24), R. Lingual Gyrus (BA18), and R. Inferior Parietal Lobule (BA40).