Drawing no. 101.ITF.02D: Plans, Elevation, Section (Hall of Nations): 16 August 1971

Drawing of plans at all nine levels of the Hall of Nations, with an overall section and elevation and also the geometry of the pyramid used as a basic module. Each plan includes two levels to help explain the pyramidical space frame geometry and how it connects to create the truncated pyramid form. The simplicity and clarity of the pyramid geometry is carried through consistently in plans, sections and elevations. The structure blooms out of twenty-four nodes at the ground level, six nodes at each face of the square plan.

(on the right) Recent photo of the large interior space of the Hall of Nations diminishing the large trucks parked inside by comparison.

Source: Mehta, Vandini, Rohit Raj Mehndiratta, and Ariel Huber. "Hall of Nations and Halls of Industries, New Delhi, 1972." In The Structure – Works of Mahendra Raj, 152-179. University of Chicago Press, 2016

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