Bai Harir stepwell

This stepwell lies in the neighbourhood of Asarwa to the north-east of the walled city of Ahmedabad. It is part of a larger complex managed by the Archaeological Survey of India and is closely linked with a mosque and tomb of Bai Harir. According to a Sanskrit inscription placed in the upper gallery, this stepwell was constructed in 1499 by the patroness Bai Harir. It has an octagonal well-shaft which is accessible by a long flight of steps descending more than 70 feet. It stands as a testimony to a powerful fusion of Muslim and Hindu architectural ideas by beautifully merging Islamic forms with the existing Hindu stepwells.

Stepwells of Ahmedabad is sponsored by the Asian American Cultural Center (AACC), Yale School of Architecture Exhibitions Fund and Anthill Design. The research on these stepwells was initiated in 2015 as an initiative of Anthill Design.

Anthill Design